Sunday, September 30, 2007
Busy busy busy
I love the new house! It's so quiet (compared to his old apartment) and the ceiling in the bedroom is sort of low and slanted. I woke up this morning and felt like a Barbie in a doll house! It's so cute and cozy! and I love the big trees in the yard and along the streets. (The weekend pictures are HERE. I didn't take too many because I was too busy working.)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My heart stopped today
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mr Safety and his movies
Loonie News
Breaking news from CBC News:
The Canadian dollar hit the $1 US mark on Thursday morning, marking the first time the loonie has been on par with the American dollar since 1976.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
her super cool backpack
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Cruel reminder of things that are unobtainable to me
itunes is suck a dick!
Why is itunes mean?
It would take very little effort you make a check in the software to say
oh! if you're in a country, if then show ringtones, otherwise, DON'T TAUNT ME!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Canada Vignettes: Log Driver's Waltz
For he goes birling down a-down the white water
That's where the log driver learns to step lightly
It's birling down, a-down white water
A log driver's waltz pleases girls completely.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Shoot 'em Up, not cool when it's in your backyard
Parking lot shooting angers neighbours
Elise Stolte
Edmonton Journal
Thursday, September 13, 2007
EDMONTON - Three men are in hospital after at least a dozen shots were fired in a townhouse parking lot Wednesday night.
At about 8:30 P.M., Krista Sedgwick heard swearing and looked out her bedroom window near 137th Avenue and 38th Street.
She saw two men in their 20s pull guns and start firing on three teenagers. "I threw my two kids off the bed," said the mother of four.
"Two idiots pulled guns and fired at three idiots. I've had enough with this neighbourhood."
When the two men took off running, she locked the doors, gathered her children in the centre of the house and phoned police.
Acting Staff Sgt. Troy Carriere said patrol cars arrived to find one man had been shot through the hand and fled through a stranger's front door. Minutes later, police got another call from a Wal-Mart across the street. Two other men had been shot in the legs and fled there, Carriere said.
Their injuries are not life-threatening. They aren't co-operating with police.
When officers taped off the parking lot, they found more than a dozen casings scattered on the ground and bullet holes in vehicles and in townhouse walls. The bullets appeared to come from a 9-mm pistol, Carriere said.
"We're still trying to find where the rest have landed. ... It was just lucky there were only three victims."
The parking lot was nearly empty at the time, Sedgwick said. But many homes have young children.
Sheri Crowe heard shots, poked her head out the front door and saw a car speed away. She has a four-month-old baby. "I went back inside. I was curious, but not that curious," she said.
When Bisharo Omer heard the shots, "my older one was outside, my 14-year-old. My heart just dropped," she said. "The area is not what it used to be."
© Edmonton Journal 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
My vanity and the distorted perception of reality
I found this site - a project made for the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. It's an interactive Flash Demo that illustrates how almost every part of this girl's body has been altered to create a more attractive photo. I knew this already, but it's easy to forget just how much a photo can be digitally altered.
I don't know what my problem is. I'm pretty, my daughter thinks I'm pretty, I have a boyfriend, I have friends who like to be seen in public with me, and the children don't shreak and run in fear when they see me. I am perfect and attractive in the eyes of the people who matter the most to me, so that should be enough. I'm working on accepting that.
Now I'm obsessed with retouching. Here is another site that illustrates the changes that can be done digitally. I espacially like the close ups of the faces/lips.
(I also really like these shoes!!)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ouch, that was painful
Ouch! Talk about a crash and burn.
Right from the beginning she looked wobbly in those boots. Her fake giggle make me gag. She looked like she was auditining for one of those "think you can dance" shows. It looked like a run-through, you know, where you're just making sure you hit your marks, and you don't go through all the movements like you will be doing in live performance. She looked awkward, distracted, totally not interested in being there. Maybe someone played a cruel trick on Britney, and told her it was just a practice, that the cameras weren't rolling, and that the real show was going to be later. She didn't dance, she didn't sing, it was painful. it was like a car crash... horrible but you can't stop looking at it.
Monday, September 10, 2007
1 minute 13 seconds
I can't remember the last time I was on the rollercoaster (wow, probably 10-ish years ago). My daddy used to take me on it all the time when I was a kid! Some people won't go on it because of the accident; some people just don't like rollercoasters. They don't know what a rush they are missing out on!! I didn't say anything when Scott double checked my restraints; as if I was going to let myself be not properly secured in my seat! ;)
As the train cimbed up the first hill, and we were at the top and just about to turn over the peak, I wondered to myself, oh shit, what the hell was I thinking, agreeing to sitting at the front?! But then we went down and around and up and loop-dee-loop and my hair was blowing all over the place and Scott was whoo-hooing and it was so much fun and we went this way and that way and then into the tight third loop and then around on the side (I was sitting on the close to the ground side that Scott had wanted, next time we'll know better) and it totally sucked when the ride stopped!! And Oh! I just realised that the part that used to freak me out the most when I was a kid, the side close to the ground by the mirror part... well I didn't even notice the mirror this time around. Being in the front car is the best place to be!!
June 14, 1986: I was 3 days away from turning 10. There was an accident at Fantasyland, and loose bolts on the wheel assembly cause the train's last car to break off the track. The car hit two support pillars before entering the third loop. Three people were killed and a forth person was paralyzed. One person was a friend of my after school teacher.
The rollercoaster opened in 1985. Now the mall stops the rollercoaster every 2 hours for routine maintenance checks, and in the 21 years since the accident, the Mindbender has had an excellent safety record.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
The White Stuff
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Rose Quartz
The larger quartz beads make the bracelet look funny when on the table, but it weights it at the bottom, so the nice round beads stay at the top of my wrist.
Along with the earrings was a note about Rose Quartz - This stone is of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and sel-love. It is calming, reassuring, and excellent for use in trama and crisis. This stone gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. It helps heal childhood fears and tramas, and teaches you how to love yourself. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, and invokes self-trust and self-worth.
Wow, all from one stone! ;) I know I have been a bit of a monster lately, but if things do improve, I will be hesitant to say it was due to having some pink stones strung around my wrist.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
coolest song in the world (for the moment)
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
What's better than Tic Tacs?
I resisted the urge to rip open the package and suck the little candies up like a Hoover... until yesterday. Oh my, these things were tasty! (avec Vitamine C!) But look, I didn't eat that many!! With only 4 coveted boxes in the country (these ones came from the Netherlands), I have to be a wise consumer.
dank je wel :)