Thursday, September 07, 2006

I don't think this is such a good idea

"Cuptertino, CA - Steve Jobs announced the release of Apple's iProf line of computers which will replace human professors in college classrooms. These computers use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms and patented Internet searching techniques to create and deliver lectures for various subjects. " .... read the complete article
(one more snippit) - and the reason why I think the iProf is such a baaaad idea -
"Kyle Britton, a student who was in a focus group for testing iProf said, "I liked how the iProf took out all human interaction from my education. I'm comfortable with computers, not so much with my professors. Now if only Apple could do this with girls."
... an electonic teacher is the last thing computer geeks need, even less human interaction!
But wow, if a computer could teach a human how to build a computer, it would be like teaching a human how to play god.


Anonymous said...

not to mention; i'd be out of a job. ;-)


angel.girl said...

Yes, that was the first thought to cross my mind too, but just did't mention it.