Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Party

Last Saturday was the company Christmas party at Dante's. Raj and I sure know how to put on one hell of a party! Dinner was fantastic! The salmon and potatoes and salads... yuuuummmmm! and Daniel was a dear and even brought me a nanaimo square for desert (not without giving a little of his arrogant English attitude first). We all did a lot of hamming it up for the camera. And James and Pokey (who used to work with us) showed up for some fun. But it wasn't all fun when Pokey fell off the chair and fell face first to the concrete floor. There was a pool of blood, it was a mess. He walked away with a nasty cut on his face, and his buddy promised to take him to Emerg to get checked out. That was sooooo scary.
click image to enlarge

Since I am usually the one taking the pictures and not in very many of them, this year I made a point to get lots of pictures of myself. It was my project to get a photo made with all the office guys who were there. In the end, I ended up missing three of them (Mark, Sean & Jason) but scored extra points for getting one with the cute bartender.
We had LOTS of good prizes. The most popular ones were the the envelopes, an ipod, a pink frying pan (like the one I have at home) and a set of casserole dishes. Initially I won a 6 DVD Harry Potter set, which I gave to Mark's wife because I heard her exclaim how much she wanted that and took her bottle of Jagermeister. Later, Kevin stole the Jager from me and gave me a tin of chocolate covered cookies. Then I drew my own name as one of three winners of extra prizes and I got some liquor.

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