Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year!

new years eve 2007

So I'm a bit behind!  I know it's a week into the New Year already, but this week hasn't been the smoothest of weeks.  I came home from Phoenix on the morning of Dec 24th and my ceiling was leaking.  It wasn't until the Jan 2nd that someone was sent to start the repairs.  It was supposed to be finished on Friday, but now on Monday, there is still work to be done.

you can see the dust in the airDSC00423

icky dirty crud falling from the hole

and this is how it looks right now, and everything is covered in dust and plastic and I wonder when I will be able to start living in my place again.  The dust reeks havoc on my allergies so I have to shut myself upstairs in my room tonight.  Up until now, I have been staying with the bf.

1 comment:

Susantha said...

nice blogging.. and happy new year to you too..!!