Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Putting out our shoes

Miranda, with her incredible memory, remembered that the start of December has that great celebration of Sinterklaas, so she made sure we put our shoes by the tree to have them filled with chocolate(the greedy little lass had to put out 2). She even remembers (and I'm using her words) that last year she was left with a chocolate of St. Nikolas and that I got the little dark helper.

We were good this year! and got chocolates instead of sticks and straw.
The Dutch shop by my house closed this summer so I didn't have a chance to track down some cool chocolate or Pepernoten. Even the Shopper's Drug Mart didn't have the chocolate initials like they did last year. They year she will have to be content with Swiss Toblerone chocolate& a kinder surprise.
With her birthday in a couple of weeks and Chrismtas a few days later, I am leaving it as just a celebration of chocolate (like she needs more, for her already gets her daily dose with her Barbie count down to Christmas calendar, with chocolates behind each numbered door) because she really doesn't need any more presents. If she remembers it next year then perhaps we'll write poems, but I just don't have any time to think of one right now. (My social calendar has me exhausted!)


Anonymous said...

damn.... I should have sent you girls some candies but its even harder to get chocolate here...they don't have any dutch shops here. ;-(

nice shoes by the way.

Anonymous said...

ow by the way bad people don't get sticks and straw.

You put in hay and a carrot for the horse and if you're bad you get a bag of salt. (which is actually quite useful when it freezes)