Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another waver at the gym - THE BEST YET!

I went to the gym this evening and in the locker room I was feeling sad. My knees were so sore from running on Monday that I was wanted to cry (I skipped yesterday) and feeling like my running career was over and I was always going to have sore knees and going to get fat because of lack of mobility. (This is the first time I have had knee pains since taking up the sport in September.)

Thinking of ways I could shake myself out of this funk, I thought about calling the Boyfriend just to hear his voice. I decided against it because, I was

  1. not wanting to sound cheesy by calling him up and saying, I just needed to hear your voice...
  2. not wanting to sound like I was checking up on him by saying, hi, just calling to see what you're up to...
  3. not having other excuse to call him, especially while sitting in the locker room!
  4. resigned to the fact that I would probably get his voicemail and not actually get to even talk to him.
Still blue, I walked up the stairs to the track, my head down and wincing from the pain of each step. At the top, I looked up to check out the running direction chart and out of the corner of my eye I see someone on crouched down in a stretch and waving at me!

After blinking to make sure I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing, I smiled at the waver and was ready to almost burst into tears of excitement. There he was, the Boyfriend, in the flesh, and waving at me!!

Instead of running, I went to the work out area with him, which was probably the best thing to do, to give my knees a break.

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