Monday, April 16, 2007

Expect Nothing

Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. I need to figure out how to master that because it seems like every time I turn around I am feeling down. I spent all weekend excited at the prospect of going to see Econoline Crush tonight, only to find out this morning that someone's wife won't let him go to a concert on a Monday night. That's the story, anyway. Someone else would rather pull a large tree out of the ground for a friend's brother. That's his story, anyway. I can't find anyone else who likes Econoline Crush, or who might humour me by coming along! I couldn't get anyone to get Finger Eleven tickets with me, either, of Brand New... At first, I was thinking that it was the music, but now I am thinking that maybe the problem is with me, and people just do not want to be seen in public with me. haha! Would it be weird if I took Lucky along for company? I think the cat might appreciate a nice concert every once in a while.

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