Friday, August 25, 2006

Music Sucks

I'm not really enjoying music right now, unless it is turned up to a volume level that breaks glass and makes my ears bleed. Anyway, here's the top 6 song I like to blow my eardrums out with.

1. Gyzmkid by The Teen Velvet
2. Empire by Kasabian
3. In The Clouds by Under the Influence of Giants
4. White Light, White Light by Supersystem
5. Running Up That Hill by Placebo (wow, the bass in the car, makes the windows shake!)
6. The Sound of a Breaking Heart by Boy Hits Car

... and a #7 that's not really included in the list because it's a little to bouncy cheery - Land of Confusion by Disturbed.

... and a list of the top 5 totally off the wall songs I have been listening to (makes me wonder, what are they thinking, and what am I thinking?!)

1. Many Lives 49MP by Final Fantasy (the CD is called He Poos Clouds --- haha! It is one bizarre album.)
2. Haircuts by Pony Pants (you have my fake shampoo it's called No More Tears)
3. I'm In No Mood by The Fiery Furnaces (I'm in no mood to comb my hair there's a chill in the air)
4. Brandenburg by Beirut
5. Snakes on a Plane (Bring It) by Cobra Strip (Oh I'm ready for it, come on bring it)

Crap, all that complaining about music, and I just spent THREE HOURS sorting through the mix CDs I had in my car, making nice labels to stick on the pockets in my new PINK CD case from Ikea. *sigh* I have to be up in 5 hours.

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