Sunday, November 25, 2007

Team Vanity

Team purple (Vanity) wins again... we were playing a board game called 7 Deadly Sins, answering trivia questions and taking on silly and outrageous dares in 7 categories:

- Vanity and Beauty
- Envy, Jealousy, and Theft
- Anger, Revenge, and War
- Sloth, and Vulgarity
- Greed, Wealth, and Gambling
- Gluttony and Food
- Lust, Love, And Sex

This weekend it was reinforced just how totally awesome my boyfriend is. For our Vanity dare, one of us had to apply a face mask made out of condiments. There's no way I was going to have food spread on my face, but Mr. Amazing, he wanted to win and told me to smear on the peanut butter!

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