Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Expert at nothing

I wish I had a blog that was about something in particular. I read my favourites and they all have a topic: music, technology, nailpolish, fashion, makeup, handbags, comics, music. I want to have a topic other than "stuff about ME" because right now I am blogging about all these little things as they apply to me and my interests, and that seems so shallow and egotistical. Come on, do you really want to be reading about me all the time? it's not like my life is nearly as newsworthy as Lindsay's or Paris's or Britney's. (thankfully!)

I had an idea once to take pictures of cars with burnt out tail lights, since daily I get stuck in traffic, crawling behind vehicles and every day I see someone with a bulb burnt out. I nixxed that idea because it made me look creepy to be driving around with my camera ready.

I used to blog about the boyfriend a lot, but he grew tired of that very fast. But my boy genius just gave me an idea - I'll can start blogging about all things PINK !

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