Thursday, June 28, 2007

Quack Doctor

I went to a new Crack doctor (Chiropractor) who is really a Quack doctor, located across the street from my office. Aparently they are of a branch of Chirporactic that have only a handful of doctors in the province are trained to do. He gave a little presentation before starting the extensive evaluation process. I received a hand-out as I was leaving which sort of outlines what he was talking about.

Fundamentally, it could have been summed up by saying that their primary focus is the integrity of your nervous system, which controls and regulates the function of every tissue in your body.

Honestly, I couldn't care less what their primary fucntion is, just as long as my bones are alligned and I can resume running, then I will be happy. He did do a good job. He looked at where I was out of align and focused on correcting those areas, as opposed to the standard, let's give everything a crack and that should fix it method. I'm not better, but I can tell that my body is responding positively to the adjustment.

But was really pissed me off was this BS story I had to listen to...

Chiropractic says that we are all just like acorns. It says that God* (*yes, at the mention of this word my eyes glazed over, and I lost the ability to take this guy seriously) gave each and every one of us a very special and unique purpose as well. This is our potential. And, just like the acorn, in order for you and your family to reach your potential, you require a few things as well.

You need some sun, air, water, good nutrition, and one thing more...

You must be free from interference in your nerve systems so that you can fully express your Life Force and move continually toward the realization of your purpose and potential in life!

When your brain and body can fully communicate, your "Innate Intelligence" can more accurately comprehend and respond to all of the physical, chemical, mental and emotional stresses you encounter in your life. This allows you to better adapt to those stresses, heal any injuries you may have and continue growing and unfolding into whatever you are ultimately meant to be.

The subluxation process interferes with normal communication between your brain and the cells of your body. As a result, you no longer have full expression of your "Innate intelligence" or "Life Force." This decreases your ability to adapt completely to internal and external stresses. In turn, the body functions at less than optimal levels. This is referred to as a state of "dis-ease."

The specific chiropractic adjustment process removes the interference caused by
subluxations. This restores the free flow of your Life Force and the ability to
adapt, heal and continue growing physically, mentally emotionally and even

The result is an ever-increasing realization of your potential in life!

When I go back tomorrow, I wonder what will be said. If I have to hear one more mention of God and Life Force I think I will tell him to stop the crap and just fix my bones, because I am calm and serene until he mentioned the G word. Even thinking about it now makes me get all irritable and annoyed. It's not that I feel like he is forcing religion on me, but since I do not believe in ANY God, I find it offensive to have a supreme being referenced so much in a professional setting.

As a new patient, when I was calling to make the appointment (and identifying myself as a new patient!) they should have confirmed whether or not I know that their center is "special".

I am all about finding out what's wrong with my body and working to correct it, both with a doctor and with maintenance at home. I don't think Chiropractic is going to do anything for my Life Force... I don't think Ieven have a Life Force... but it will greatly improve my mood and quality of life to get me up and running again.

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