Friday, September 15, 2006

Here come the men in the white coats

... to take me away...

Yesterday evening, I picked up Miranda at 6 and she told me it was Meet the Teacher night at 6:30. There wasn't a note sent home the night before, but it was marked in yesterday's agenda note... apparently they sent the information at the start of the school year. So I looked at home at the papers and it was in the principle's message, at the bottom paragraph saying they would have meet the teachers on Sept 14 at 6:30. Well #*@%$ if I read it all the way to the bottom when it was as boring as hell.

I went to the meeting, and after I asked if the teacher could remind us the day before of such events and she told me it was in the newsletter sent home before. I stated that it's nice to get a reminder, and that Miranda's other teachers used to do that. She again said that it was sent home in a newsletter and to mark it on the calendar. Stupid bitch. In my fragile mental state, I have no idea how I managed to not totally freak out on her!

I am so tempted to pull Miranda from that class, but I hear she is an extrememly good teacher. She has been teaching for 26 years, almost as long as I am old! But that could be a bad thing, because I think she imagines all the children come from homes with two parents, Daddy working, Mummy staying home baking cookies and casseroles. PLUS, it's a nut free classroom, due to children with severe allergies, and it's difficult for a mostly vegetarian family to find lunch items which contain protein but not nuts. Miranda is already sick of wraps and croissant-wiches and yogurt, and it's only week 2 of the school year. *sigh*

I am losing it here!

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