Friday, April 13, 2007

Monday Night

Econoline Crush is one of my favourite Canadian bands. (I know, I have like 100 of them, but my hotmail email is the name of their album from 2001!) I had totally given up hope of ever seeing them but Econoline Crush is playing at the Starlite Room on Monday!! I have a babysitter, so who wants to go with me?

Now I have 3 of their songs playing in my head at the same time and I don't have a single one on my ipod right now (4GB is not enough space for anyone!!). Chris is trying to talk me out of buying an 80GB ipod and going with an external HD instead, but here is a prime example of how useful the larger ipod would be. I could be listening to Home or Sparkle and Shine or Make it Right or You Don't Know What it's Like right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

larger ipod for sure!!!